
It is just a boob.

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This article
in Babytalk magazine created quite a stir because its cover featured a breastfeeding baby. Readers--most of whom are parents of infants--were offended by the profile of the partial boob. The boob that was feeding the baby attached to it.

The magazine has received over 700 letters from readers in response to the cover.

Why are we offended by the sight of a breast? Why?? A breast's primary purpose is to feed a baby, and it has done a marvelous job since the dawn of time. When did we become embarrassed by our body's ability to do this? I can only assume that hundreds of years ago, women did not cover up with receiving blankets. I assume in Africa today women do not cover up. Why is this an issue here? Now?

The article reported that a survey done by the American Dietetic Association revealed that fewer than half of respondents believed women should have a right to breastfeed in public. That means that when you are feeding your baby at the mall, roughly 60% of the people who catch you doing such a deed think you should be doing it in a public restroom. Or at home, or in the car.

Here is the main part that bothered me: one of the readers said she hid the magazine so that her 13 year-old son and husband would not see the picture. Presumably, this cover is the equivalent to her of a pornographic picture. I feel that hiding such a picture sends the message that breastfeeding is, in fact, a sexual or weird or indecent thing to do. Why else would it be hidden? Why not leave the article out for a child or teen to see? Maybe it will provoke some meaningful discussion.

In spite of my obvious opinion on this issue, I would like to hear what you think of it, whether or not you have breastfed before. Please reply with a comment:
Is this picture offensive to you?
Why do you think so many Americans are offended by breastfeeding in public?
Is this picture sexual in nature to you?

This web page said it much better than me:


Blogger Cristina said...

Hey you! Did you see my recent post on this?

I completely agree with you on all points. I was also disturbed by the woman who felt that it would be inappropriate for her 13 year old to see the cover. I really don't get that. It's not like it's a Playboy or something.

I am also amazed that MOTHER'S feel bf in public is wrong. We'll have to talk about this offline sometime. It really gets my blood boiling!

10:35 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Yes, Mommy off the record, I read your post right after I posted mine, and considered revising mine based on the mind-altering similarities, but then decided against it. I guess we think alike, eh? I'm just mad you got yours up a day before. Hmmmph.

6:53 AM  
Blogger Mr.infoRyder said...

Is this picture sexual in nature to you?
Why do you think so many Americans are offended by breastfeeding in public?
# it doesn’t matter its London or America, some people will be offended for different reasons, but on top of the list; it is "sex"- people cant get off their mind, no matter where they are.

Is this picture sexual in nature to you?
# NO

nice reading some of your post.

12:10 PM  

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