
How the math works out.
The new baby started this week. And she was pretty typical: sleep 2 hours, wake up, eat for about 3 minutes, lie on back or tummy for like 4 minutes, then look extremely tired and fall asleep again. Repeat.

So why am I extremely exhausted? Why were my clothes damp by 11:00 a.m.? Why did I actually have B.O.? Why did I go an entire day without peeing?

I only added one person to the daycare. Just one, and she is the easiest one. So how is it ten times harder now?

'Tis 7:30, so I am off to bed.



Blogger dodo said...

some kind of 'first date' nerves?

hope you're feeling better today

11:50 PM  
Blogger Kyla said...

Because babies are unpredictable...you know they sleep most of the time, BUT they could wake and need something at any moment and break up your well-oiled schedule machine. You work over time trying to do the normal things. You live in fear of the waking, because then you must stop everything to feed and change. Ya know?

10:35 AM  

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