
Crazy dream
Last night I dreamed that a man contacted me for a job interview to wait tables at a golf course. Hubby said, "Oh, that's how you make the best tips." So I went to the interview and the first thing he asked me to do was step into the photo room. I sat down on a bed and then he cuddled up next to me and some stuffy photographer took our picture. "When is the interview?" I asked. "Now," he said. So he asked me questions like:
"So you like the Gap underwear, the low waisted ones?"
"Um, yeah, I guess."
"And the batgirl costume. You gonna do that this year?"
"Your son really likes that red motorcycle, huh?"
"Yes.... what about the job?"

Then he wrapped up the interview. I walked back to my car and realized he was following me.

The next week he called me again to ask more odd questions. I realized all the questions had one thing in common: they had to do with my blog.

Then I asked, what was the name of your restaurant again? He told me, I googled it, and it did not exist.

Think this has anything to do with my deep-seated fear of one of my daycare parents discovering this private, quaint little blog?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I have strange dreams about my blog too. The other day I had a dream that one of the blogs I read who never comes back and comments on mine- actually commented and I was so happy! But when I woke up I was so disappointed when I checked LOL. I'm a dork.

8:14 AM  
Blogger jo(e) said...

You know you've crossed over to being a committed blogger when you start having dreams about blogging.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Oooooh. That dream is kinda creepy. It is amazing how blogging takes over your life. LOL.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I've dreamt about blogging, too, but usually in fear over what to post next, and I imagine a huge crowd in the shape of the U.S. all pointing fingers and laughing at me while I stand on the tip of the Florida Peninsula. Then I hear Adam Sandler's "They're All Gonna Laugh At You!" skit on repeat in my head. I woke up sweating.

Please don't laugh at me. I don't take it well.

Andrea (http://littlebalddoctors.wordpress.com)

11:34 AM  
Blogger Tracie Nall said...

I had a dream about someone calling me and asking me questions related to my blog the other night.

My dream wasn't quite as creepy as yours, though!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

Ha! Nothing messes with our heads, like our own minds. Did that make sense?


3:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Eeek. That is quite a dream!

6:28 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I know. The thought occurred to me that this makes me a "committed" blogger. It is just so hard because I need to vent, and venting in a spiral notebook is not that much fun. Thanks for listening. :)

6:35 PM  
Blogger Kyla said...

*lol* Craziness!

8:03 PM  

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