
How hard is it to pick up the phone, really?
We are having a Halloween party this Saturday, and I can already feel myself getting sorta mad. The invitations said RSVP, which means "répondez s'il vous plaît" which in normal words means "please respond." Fewer than half the invitees have responded yet. Now, they still have two days to respond, so why am I mad?

I threw a baby shower for a friend last month, and the same thing happened. Fewer than half responded. On the day of the shower, some of those who responded "yes" did not show, and a few others decided to stop by even though I hadn't heard from them, and at least ten did not respond or show up. An hour before the party, I had no idea how much food to put out. So I set out a huge double layer cake and a three foot subway sandwich, four inches of which were eaten. (I won't complain about the leftover cake I had to eat.)

Now, as far as the Halloween party is concerned, I know they aren't failing to respond because they don't like me, cuz for the shower, none of the invitees even knew me. They were the guest's friends, really. So let's get that option out of our minds. I'm afraid this failure to communicate is more a reflection of our society's tendency toward flakiness.

So I guess on future invitations, I need to be more clear. Some options:
"Please RSVP whether or not you plan to attend, or not."
"Regrets only"
"Hope to see you. Please fucking respond."


Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

I cannot understand why people don't RSVP. It really is a dying art form.


7:11 PM  
Blogger Kyla said...

My son was invited to a part earlier in the year and I called to RSVP and the mom sounded shocked...turns out I was the only one who bothered to RSVP!

I vote for option 3...its catchy. :)

8:05 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

This is a pet peeve of mine too. I always RSVP right away to be polite, but it seems like a lot of people don't anymore. A friend of mine actually just had a WEDDING and didn't even take RSVPs. I couldn't believe how laid back she was.

Re. your options, I like option 3 too. I think the "fucking" part would really get my attention. LOL

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think part of the problem is that the RSVP designation has been abused. I occasionally receive mass-produced invitations to events sponsored by some department in the university (often, I get these after the event has already occurred, because I'm not on campus often to check my mailbox), and they say RSVP, though clearly that translates to "let us know if you're planning to come."

My advice is to use an evite - that seems to elicit a much higher rate of response.

3:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I'm not even invited to your party. But I'm sorry because I NEVER respond to RSVP's. I know, I'm evil...I know I should be tarred and feathered...I just always forget. I'm so sorry.

4:11 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Janet/Wonder Mom - Actually, the part that I left out of my post is that, prior to like 2005, I NEVER responded to RSVPs either. I just figured that if I didn't RSVP, the host would figure out that I obviously wasn't going. But in the last year I've thrown a few parties and now I see things from the other (money) side... Don't feel to bad. I too have been there. People should be able to read minds, right?

6:51 AM  
Blogger jo(e) said...

I've noticed this trend myself. What I usually do now is make telephone calls instead of sending out invitations. That way I know who is coming.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the last one...I totally agreed,

10:58 AM  
Blogger KarinGal said...

While evites are great, there's just something about a good, old-fashioned paper invitation that's so classic. Just a thought, but I've found that putting a deadline on the RSVP seems to help...like with wedding invites. Have fun at the party!

11:00 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

My hubs is a little stalkerish about RSVPs. He'll actually call those people who are still on the list. Doesn't solve the yessers who skip out, but stops the silent ones from showing up unannounced.

Andrea (http://littlebalddoctors.wordpress.com)

11:56 AM  
Blogger tiggerprr said...

I vote for Option C.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Thanks everyone! We totally had a blast. I successfully looked SO dorky that I am afraid to post that photo.
And everyone who RSVP'd yes, came. The people who didn't reply, didn't show. They are SO not getting invited next year (these are neighbors who I don't know well, but was trying to befriend... too bad for them)! The rest of us had a blast.

8:10 PM  

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