
He did it.
He pooped in the potty.

Sixteen months after his first pee on the potty, almost four months after moving into big boy pants, and two months after I first considered throwing in the poop towel, he finally did it.

It went like this: he started making his high-pitched whine that he does when he realizes that poop is near, and more importantly, that he cannot hold it back any longer. This is very stressful to him because he doesn't want to use the potty, but he knows that using his pants is "bad." We have been in this bad place for so long.

So I picked him up and carried him to the potty, which I have done before, and which always results in disaster. What happens usually is he freaks out that he is being "forced" to go on the potty, and he holds it in. Or he just has such a huge tantrum that I can't get him to actually sit on the potty. So I don't know why I tried this tactic again.

We got there, and I told him it was OK. He freaked out. I hugged him a little, offered more kind words. He continued to freak out. I pulled his pants down and he freaked out some more. Man, I feel like I am doing some horrible thing. Then we stood there for like 20 seconds as he squatted over the floor, me afraid to move too suddenly, him looking quite uncomfortable, and then I just put him on the toilet seat. Literally 2 seconds later, he got this weird look on his face, then turned around and looked into the potty. He said, "I did it mommy!"

Hubby ran into the bathroom, and the three of us jumped up and down for like 10 minutes. I could see a tear in hubby's eye.

We let Charlie pick out a Hot Wheel car from the box of dusty new cars that were waiting for this very day. He was giddy. We called nana and Aunt Katie. Every few moments, all evening long, he giggled and looked so proud of himself.

Our poop intervention finally worked.

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Blogger Kate said...

thank you very much for your compliment for my soup. I am just a little confused as to who you are... do i know you??

7:02 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Nope... you don't know me. I logged out of blogger, and from their main home page there is the "Explore Blogs" section, and yours was there. So I clicked it. :)

7:05 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

Yay! Congratulations to you and Charlie! This is a big accomplishment! I would love it for you to give me some tips when we get to that stage.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whhoooo hoooo! Yay Charlie!

I wish you many happy and successful poopie endeavors!

Now come over here and help Lily out!

3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Charlie!

You know, I was thinking what a nice story this is - the sense of accomplishment, the relief and joy - and then I thought, "You know, this reminds me of something!" Oh, yes - that first poop in the potty after my babies were born.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Kyla said...

Yay Charlie!!!! Way to go!!!!!

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I'm so thrilled for you. Changing big boy craps is the WORST!

5:10 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Doh! Since I wrote this, he has pooped in his pants twice!!! What am I doing wrong?
I'm going to stop posting about poop for awhile now.

9:15 PM  
Blogger dodo said...

Don't you just hate it when turds lull you into a false sense of security! what a bunch of shits.

Have you tried a sticker chart?
Asking him to help wash the underwear?
Going out to specially buy a pair of new underwear that he can choose?

I'm sure you have. all your child observations i've read here are so wise.

5:31 AM  
Blogger dodo said...

Also. I know we just recently met, but I've really been enjoying your blog. So I've Lovefested you. It's not like stalking or anything. Much. Yet.


12:10 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Lovefested me? Is that like being infested?
I am so excited! I don't know what it means to be lovefested, but I shall find out right now. Thank you!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

P.S. Son pooped in potty today. Officially.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Kyla said...

Yesterday, I came checking for a new post...and as soon as I opened your page and read "He pooped in the potty." my son yelled from the next room "I'M DONE POOOOOOOOPING, COME WIPE MY BUUUUUUUUUUUUUTT." It was very twilight zone...like perhaps you were actually writing my life into existence. Weird. *lol*

7:08 AM  
Blogger Janean said...

My son did this, too. My girls were all into it and had no problems, but the boy...WOW. Took him 6 more months after the pee training to STOP hiding behind the couch or waiting till we were in the middle of Wally World to load his pant.
Gotta love 'em! :D
Found your page from Mom Off The Record. :D She misses you! :D

9:41 AM  

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