
Why am I so tired?
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I sleep a good 6 hours a night. Will only wakes up once, maybe twice per night now. Husband lets me sleep in at least once a week. I often take 5 minute cat naps during the day. Why am I so f*ing tired?

I've done my research and ruled out sleep apnea, insomnia, endocrine abnormalities, anemia, and hypogonadism. So why do I feel like putting my head on the table and either banging it right there, or going to sleep?

I have finally found the cause. It is Charlie. He will not stop talking.

I love the little guy. Don't get me wrong. And when he turned 2 and was hardly talking at all, we were worried sick. Other parents said smug things like, "once he starts, you won't be able to get him to stop." "Yeah, right," we said. We just wanted him to talk. That was just over a year ago.

Now it is hard to admit that they were right.

Here is our dinnertime conversation of last night:

Charlie: Mommy, I set your place for you. See dat? See dat mommy?
Me: Oh, yes, you set the table for me. Thanks, sweetie.
Charlie: Did you see the knife, and the fork, right there?
Me: Yes, I see, good job. Husband, did you...
Charlie: And I put the milk cup there for you.
Me: Yes, sweetie, that's great. Let me talk to...
Charlie: Mommy, see Will? He is eating in his high chair, right there. Right there, mommy. See that? See that mommy?
Me: Yes, that is great. Thanks for pointing that out.
Charlie: We are going to eat chicken? Chicken mommy? And that donut?
Me: Yes. That's a bagel, actually.
Charlie: A bagel, mommy? Right there? With a hole right there?
Husband: Charlie, let's pretend like we are waiting for a bus.
Charlie: What you say daddy?
Husband: When you are waiting for a bus, you are quiet. Can we be quiet while we eat? For a moment.
Charlie: Yes, yes daddy. I being quiet. See that mommy? See? I being quiet. I quiet mommy.
Charlie: See mommy? I being quiet? See?
Me: Yes. That is great. Just great. Husband, I wanted to talk about...
Charlie (whispering): mary had a little lamb.
Charlie (whispering louder): little lamb.
Charlie(whispering yet, louder): la la la la la la la.....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can sympathize, maybe you need to work on the taking turns talking thing. I was the same way as a child and my mom said the only way she could get any peace was to tell me it wasn't my turn. I would hum, but not speak until she told me I could.

Good luck!

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, that'll do it.

I love that picture too.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

OH my gosh, good idea. I hate when the parenting ideas are SO simple. They are used to taking turns, so why not take turns w/ talking? Thanks!

9:38 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I remember (when I was like 10) my mom saying, "let's just be quiet for a minute, OK?" I was a total chatterbox.

9:39 AM  
Blogger dodo said...

Reeeeelentless, isn't it?

I have one of those too.

My sympathies.

(is a bit better now she has an imaginery friend, Lilly May)

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when my kids were really young and talked constantly. And I wished for God to strike me deaf. And now...I love it when they talk to me. Things even out after a while.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Kyla said...

I'm giving BubTar a calling card, so he and Charlie can't chat it up nonstop on the phone...maybe then we will get some quiet? *lol*

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good God I hear you. I snapped in the car yesterday and said "mommy'sgonnaturnontheradiosoyoucanlistenand beQUIETkay" and turned that baby up full blast to drown out the sounds of him STILL chatting it up in the back. We need those soundproof screens like they have in limos.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

I laughed out loud when I got to the part where Charlie whispers "Mary had a little lamb". That is hilarious. (sorry to laugh at your pain. i know i'll be in for it soon enough.)

8:56 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

OH my, I had no idea so many people would relate to me so well! Kyla- wonderful calling card idea. Lotta - soundproof screens - genius! Pitch your idea to Lexus. It would be right up there with DVD players for those with kids and money.
Wordgirl - Thanks for the perspective.
MoTR- you will not be laughing for long. Your day is coming!

1:04 AM  

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