
Need some self-control here

I have never been a person who possesses any sort of self-control. I spend what I want, eat what I want, and pretty much do what I want with my personal time. As a result, my finances are usually messed up, I overeat, and I have been reliably late to each of my office jobs. I've always known that at some point, I would make some changes.

A year ago I found out that I'm pre-diabetic. I have let this small fact sit inside my brain nagging me for exactly 12 months. For example, as I eat cake, I think, damn, I am really going to miss this someday. As I gorge cookie dough, I enjoy it just that much more. Lindt chocolate balls are savored like an illicit affair.

I feel like I just had a turning point. Maybe it started when I was told my glucose levels have gone up since my last test 3 months ago. Or when I was watching Scrubs and Turk found out he was diabetic, and J.D. said, "so if you eat that piece of cake, your foot will fall off."

So I started to organize all the bits of information in my brain into something useful. Instead of bitching to myself about how I can eat nothing, I started to think about what I can eat. And how I can do that. And other ways to not go crazy when all I want is a fat bag of chips and a Coke.

Although I feel my brain had a turning point and I am able to make some changes, there is another part of my brain that wants what it can't have. So I'm not there yet.

Anyone have any tips for maintaining self-control -- with money, overeating, or other nasty habits, let me know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the holidays coming up, I find it very hard not to gorge on all the yummy goodies I will be forced to stare at. I really do try to maintain control by remembering how I feel when I am in optimal health. I feel energetic, skinny, happy, and most of all healthy...When I want to binge on something I try to remember how I feel afterwards. Fat, lazy, nauseous, guilty...usually the former outweighs the latter. (Not always tho)

Good luck. I know you know there are sugar-free alternatives and such...I know it's not the same, but a little something is better than nothing at all..Yes?

12:29 PM  
Blogger jo(e) said...

I can't eat certain foods because of my migraines. I have accepted the fact that I have no self-control, and so I don't keep those foods in my house. Because if they are here, I will eat them.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Wonder Mom - I think that is good visualization. Unfortunately, eating half a bowl of cookie dough does not make me feel naeseous in the least! In fact, it gives me quite a wonderful high. And the chubby factor, well, that could take a few days before I feel that way...
But I do think visualization is a good idea. And I also know that once I get sugar out of my system, then just having a little will start to make me feel sick (which is a good thing). It is like having an alcohol tolerance.

Jo(e) - I totally agree about having it in the house. But are you married? Cuz my hubby has a huge sweet tooth. What am I supposed to do? Tell him what he cannot eat???

Thanks guys!

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...cookie dough. I have found two new reasons in this post to love you. *lol* Eating cookie dough and watching Scrubs. Those are two of my very favorite things!

But I cannot help you with self-control...UNLESS, anytime you acquire cookie dough, you IMMEDIATELY mail it to me, I'll eat it and you won't have to worry about it. Sound like a plan?

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how I would handle a medical situation like this. There's just too much food out there that I love. Cookie dough...it is the devil.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Kyla, pure genius! I think if I met you in person, I'd really like you!

Word girl- my thoughts exactly. In fact, I used to have nightmares about having something that would require me to change my eating habits. Or that would give me a slow metabolism. I love to eat. Not fair, but oh well.

6:31 AM  

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